Thursday, September 10, 2015

Our last night abroad

We got into Paris in the afternoon after a quick and easy flight from Florence. It was such a treat to be able to stay in the airport and not have to leave extremely early to be able to check in and get through security. 

Once we got checked into our room at the Sheraton we had a glass of wine at the bar before heading to the little restaurant for an early dinner. Midway through our meal we saw a lot of security officers and policemen walking hurriedly around the terminal. Soon after, the restaurant manager bruskly seated a few different parties at various tables around the restaurant and closed the steel gates connecting the restaurant to the terminal. After watching some armed guards (they carry machine guns) walking around in front of the steel gates, we asked our server what was going on. She said calmly that someone had left a bag unattended which prompted a bomb threat - style lockdown of sorts. She explained that it happens about every other day. After our yummy dinner (mama finally got polenta) we headed back to our rooms for a little French TV and a final glass of wine before hitting the pillow. We all got a good laugh watching the American show Pawn Stars with French voice overs. 

Our trip has been so incredible, and it's hard to believe that we've really been gone for two weeks now. This experience has been such a gift and I've learned SOOOOO much! Imteredtingly enough, it seems that the more of the world I see the more I realize that, although the languages and landscapes change, human nature remains essentially consistent across cultures and continents. When you realize that people are generally kind and understanding, the world becomes much less scary. 

I am so excited for my future travels, and so very grateful for the precious memories I will always keep with me from this trip. 

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