Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Day 9

A day of synchronicity! We started with breakfast st the hotel buffet and met a couple from Florida. We ended up running back into them (and gave them a hard time about the fact that they warned us to not “fall off the mountain,” which was quite funny after mom had a descending hiker fall into her on our way up!) After climbing the steep, slick, and rocky Mark Twain Weg up from Riffelalp to Riffelberg, we took the train back down to Riffelalp to enjoy lunch. At Alphetta, we met up with the couple we *literally* ran into on our way up and met a new friend in the restaurant owner, David, who we hiked down into town with. We enjoyed another post-hike drink at the Brown Cow before showering and heading to dinner at the hotel. We were seated near a hilarious trio of men that went on about the “ground rock and shoe leather” notes in their wine.... “it’s a petulant little wine, but it amuses me.” Ha! Our server, Bastian, tells us he will be coming to San Luis Obispo for “a few days or a week” in May. He was a hoot as well. Before saying goodnight we met the Inn owner and her mother and gave them our gratitude for the wonderful stay. Tomorrow we get Italian!

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